If you are looking for manuals for Uhlenbrock modules you are in luck! It looks like they have a pretty complete collection of manuals in PDF format online now. Either go to their main site and follow the links to Download/Handbücher/English, or…
If you are looking for manuals for Uhlenbrock modules you are in luck! It looks like they have a pretty complete collection of manuals in PDF format online now. Either go to their main site and follow the links to Download/Handbücher/English, or…
That previous site mentioned also has pages for all kinds of Märklin digital conversions, including this nice page on the 60903 and 60923 upgrade kits. These two conversion sets are identical when it comes to the five-star high power motor…
I found this interesting page documenting the conversion of a Märklin 3145 SNCF Y 50 101 to Digital using the 60670 set. Lots of nice pictures and they also show how they moved to LED lighting which allowed the forward/reverse lights to…
Recently I was looking for the exploded view of a locomotive that I was upgrading for Digital operation. Märklin has a nice site for this purpose, though it is all in German so keep that in mind. That said it…
Tools for adjusting the gauge of the wheels: 90823Â Wheel Spacer Wheel Spacer (Back to back) measuring / setting tool for H0 wheels. The tool is supplied with 2 spindle points, one for locomotive wheel setting and one for wagon/carriage wheels…
It seems that the obvious modern way to identify the location of a train is with RFID.
A friend of mine pointed me to these interesting control components for switches etc. using compressed air. There are a number of designs suitable for converting turnouts from LGB and other garden rail manufacturers. There are also under table versions…
This weekend (January 30-31, 2010), the Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the European Train Enthusiasts (ETE) is sponsoring a “EuroEast’10” event during the Amherst Railway Society Train Show in Springfield, Massachusetts. The venue is the Eastern State Exposition, Memorial Highway, West…
Today I start a new website about controlling trains using Digital methods. I had a lot of questions about this myself and found many answers scattered all over the internet. I figured that since I was doing the searching, I…