If you are looking for manuals for Uhlenbrock modules you are in luck!
It looks like they have a pretty complete collection of manuals in PDF format online now.
Either go to their main site and follow the links to Download/Handbücher/English, or click on the link below…
I have upgraded from an Intellibox IR to an Intellibox II.
I have a number of locos in which I have installed TCS (Train Control Systems) chips. These locos respond to the Intellibox II and work very well but I am unable to program these chips either on the pragramming track or in mainline programming mode. All of these chips were previously programmed using my old Intellibox IR. The Intellibox II has had the latest software upgrade installed.
Have you any suggestions as to how I can program these TCS chips using the Intellibox II.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Rodney,
Sorry I don’t have any immediate advice here. I can sometimes program various decoders with the CS2, though sometimes I resort to my old 6021 to program them the old way.
I have not worked with the TCS or Intellibox products so no real idea sorry…